Saturday, January 31, 2009

My Awakening & This Blog

My Spiritual Awakening (I am Me, I am Free) happened in 2008 thanks to David Icke,What a Great man he is in the forefront of this spiritual awakening. And What I write resonates with a select audience, which is steadily growing in size. I am happy about that.

If only my message could reach the masses too! Because if the masses are given the opportunity to ‘wise up’ instead of ’dumb down’ our world will change for the better very quickly.

I have always had an ability to communicate with people, but I admit that when it comes to connecting with the masses - a task I liken to crossing a raging torrent (with no bridge) in order to get to the other side - I see no obvious way around the power of the manipulative, mind controlling mainstream media.

It’s that corporate owned propaganda machine which is standing in the way of the truth.

Most of the people we mistakenly call ‘journalists’ work for the machine without even realising it. They don’t even know they are feeding their readers and viewers with false information because their minds are conditioned by the very system they delight in complaining about.

That system exists to condition us into thinking a certain way from the moment we go to school until the moment we die.

We are all conditioned (although, as I have discovered, it is possible to ‘wake up’ and break free from the conditioning). So journalists may see themselves as intellectually superior to you or I, but they still operate from inside a prison cell they can’t even see. And when they spout on about Left being better than Right or quibble about whether interest rates should go up or down, all they are doing is adding more bars to the cell.

We need only look at the intransigence of these left-brainers who populate the media industry to understand the reason they are put there in the first place. Indeed the role of the machine, like the journalists it hires, is to tell us the world is cut and dried; there is no mystery, and people who think otherwise are conspiracy theorists.

Yet the Media is conspiratorial at every turn. It feeds the public with lie after lie, and each of the lies is swallowed.

Do you know why the public swallows the lies?

It’s not just that people are uninformed about the way the world works. No, that’s not the only reason people will accept what they are told without question. Nor does the public simply want an easy life, although this may explain why most of us never find time to check the facts of a news story ourselves (too busy; too tired; too lazy; too uninterested).

No, I see something else which runs very deep in the human psyche: a fundamental need to be cared for.

This means you too will swallow the lie if you think it means ‘everything will be okay’. You might even know you are being fed with a lie, and still swallow it. You want to be looked after. But please ask yourself this question: do you really want to look after yourself?

Looking after yourself ties in with personal responsibility. And when you start exercising personal responsibility you also get a taste of what true freedom means.

I want to live in a world where the true nature of freedom is understood by everyone.

So my quest is to help free the world. And writing a blog entry every time is the least I can do to help expose what I perceive to be the truth about the current situation we are all in.

You needn’t think I am short of themes to write about; everywhere I look I see symbols and messages I want to share with you.

Lines from the Matrix movie come to my mind,

Morphious: Let me tell you why you are here? You are here because you know something. What you know you can't explain but you feel it. You felt it your entire life that there's something very wrong with the world, you don't know what it is but it's there like a splinter in your mind. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what i am talking about?

Neo: The Matrix.

Morphious: Do you want to know what it is? The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now in this very room, you can see it when you look out of your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

Neo: What Truth?

Morphious: That you are a slave Neo. Like everyone else you were born into a bondage born into a prison that you cannot smell, touch or taste, a prison for your mind. Unfortunately no one can be told for what the Matrix is.. You have to see it for yourself...!



  1. No one has ever come along and has ever given you sufficient intelligent knowledge about your beautiful self. How you were from the inside out. And why do you have addictions because you have nothing better, you have never dreamt of nothing better because no one has ever taught you how to dream better. Do I think you are bad? No I don’t think you are bad. Do I think you are good? I think you are good either, I think you are god. In general, I feel the psychiatry really doesn’t allow for enough freedom of action on peoples part, meaning lots of problem but not all of them that gets labeled psychological problems really amount to people making wrong choices and they are instructed to make the different ones. Sadly for the overwhelmingly majority of people in the world lives life and consider life boring or uninspiring because they made no attempts to gain knowledge and information that will inspire them. They are so hypnotized by their environment through the media, through television, through people living and creating ideals that everybody struggles to become and that no one actually becomes in terms of physical appearance, definitions and beauty. They are all illusions that most people surrender and live their lives in mediocrity and they may live that life but the soul may never really and their desire may never really rise to the surface so they may wanna be something else. But if does rise to the surface and they ask themselves if there is something more or why am I here? What is the purpose of life? Where am I going? What happens when I die? They start to ask those questions, they start to flirt or interact with the perception that they may be having a nervous breakdown and in reality what they are doing is their old concepts of how they view their life and the world start to fall apart.

    If I change my mind, I will change my choices and if I change my choices, well my life change. Why can’t I change? What am I addicted to? What will I lose that I am chemically attached to (Emotions) and what person, place, thing, time or event that I am chemically attached to that I don’t wanna lose because I may have to experience the chemical withdraw from that and hence the human drama.

    It’s the only planet in the milky-way that has habitation that is deep and enormous subjection of religion. You know why that is? It is because people have set up right and wrong. If I do this I am going to get rewarded and if I do the other I am going to get punished by the god. This is a really poor description that tries to map out the path in life for us to follow but with deplorable results because there is really no such thing as good or bad, we are judging things on facts or superficially. Is that mean that you are in favor of sin or depravity? No. It simply means you need to improve your expression and understanding of how you dealing in here. There are things that I do and I know they will evolve me and there are other things that will not evolve me but it’s not good or bad. There is no god waiting to punish you because you did one or the other. It is no god condemning people in fact everyone is gods. You are the god in making and you have to walk this path that someday you have to love the abstract as much as you love the condition of addiction. "The only way that I will ever be great to myself is not what I do to my body but what I do to my mind."

  2. Glad to hear you are enlightened. Please check my blog out and leave lots of comments.
