Saturday, December 27, 2008

Who are We?

The world seems to be a ball of confusion and complexity and bewilderment but it is when you don't have the co-ordinates to connect things together. Because when you connect the dots you start to see that apparent complexity as it is played out, the apparent bewilderment as it is played out, has a very seriously clear picture that emerges out. Because as you connect the dots between the different peoples, organizations, places, religions, history suddenly the picture starts to form, oh so that’s it! But if you don’t connect the dots it’s just a confusion that what is this all about? And when you connect the dots you get the elephant in a living room! You can start to see the daily life and the daily news and all this stuff in a completely different light and suddenly what seems to be incomprehensible starts to make clearer and clearer sense. So what I am doing through this blog is trying to give you the co-ordinates to connect the dots.

And that picture that the dots are connected is that there are two prime realities that we are experiencing. We are experiencing the movie, that’s the movie version of reality that we are given by mainstream media and what passes for education and all the other sources of mainstream information which explains away the events in the world in a certain way but behind them it becomes clearer as the dots join up that there is an another agenda behind that which the movie is simply there as a cover story to obscure and hide. And the foundation of that cover story, the foundation of that secret agenda is to get billions of people on this planet to wear a mask and play out a false identity that they don’t even know is false. You know we can talk about banking scams, political scams and secret societies and we should and we will later on as i will go on posting new posts but what does involved in the researches of all these conspiracies stuff, I feel need to appreciate as if that’s as far as you go and no further then you too are playing a kinda movie because you are looking at how it is playing out instead of the real foundation for which this whole conspiracy is based and that is manipulating people to believe something that they are not and to forget what they really are?

And what we really are is consciousness, infinite consciousness connected to all other consciousnesses, the seamless ocean of infinity and we can move our point of observation around that consciousness and express and celebrate its uniqueness but we are all of one infinite mind; one infinite consciousness and the Illusion of the apartness is an experience of this reality and its extenuation by the manipulators is to get us and to see ourselves and everything in terms of apartness instead of as a connected whole.

This is symbolically even more than symbolically, the situation that this whole conspiracy is designed to put us in a bubble of consciousness which we can call body consciousness, which is disconnected from its awareness of the full magnitude of what it is to the point where it operates on a fraction of its true self and its infinite potential.

You know what fellas, you born into this world, then you gonna get older and then you die, what is all about. I mean yeah, what is it all about? We are born into this world, we go through these kinds of situations of getting older and doing this, doing that and doing the other and then we get older and loads of people in the world vast numbers of people it’s a struggle and it’s an effort like am I gonna survive another day? And then at the top there Oh! you know what will God think of me? So there is this travel agent on some other dimension saying “great great vacation holiday mate, what you do is you go in to this dimension, you are born, you struggle all the way through it, loads of emotional upheaval and then you get older and your body starts to break down and then some guy on the clouds decide if you gonna go to heaven sit next to him or if you gonna go to hell and burn in fires forever". And you think yeah ticket for heaven! What is it all about? I think there is got to be something else, if there isn’t I will shut up and out of here and I am staying. So we have this world of apparent confusion because of the way that it operates. We reach a level where we can create amazing technology like space shuttles..

and we use that technology to bomb cities full of civilians. And you know, we are at the cutting edge of evolution that we can kill more people in one go than ever before.. hey! any great to be human.

And this is what we do in the name of freedom,

we think, its okay! for our kids to sign these bombs which end on kids just like them in the Lebanon

But we don’t wanna talk about that...

Huh..! "hey honey come here quick and see, there is a naked pic of Jennifer Aniston posing in a tie on the cover of the magazine.. come.. quick.." huh.. watch this and shut up!

People all over the world get bigger while some people die because there is not enough to eat...

Massive amounts of food available or thrown away while for others they die because there is not enough to eat...

People live of rubbish to survive and we often see it live here in India too!

but we don't wanna talk about this and get some moral out of it..! So watch this and shut up!

Oh! no no that’s just fighting for peaces and that’s just collateral damage, don’t worry about it? You watch the Cricket...!

As what Gandhi said,
‘What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?’

-Mahatma Gandhi

None so ever, they are all tyrannies when they do that. And then be afraid, it’s a world in which we must be afraid all the time, we must be afraid of not enough money, we must be afraid of what’s gonna happen in all areas of our lives.

Survive, suvive we must survive or we must always be in a state of fearing not surviving. It’s a mad mad mad world! But why it is an upside down lunatic world that we live in. People might say oh! its all a coincidence.. happened like that but I would say that it is coldly calculated to be like this because of the outcome that it gives to those who are manipulating societies in this way. So we are struggling to understand the world because we don’t have the coordinates.

Coordinate No. 1, Who Are We? How many people seem to ask that question in my experience anyways? Well I live in the real world mate, I am gonna get over with my job and with my life, who are we, what we are we doing? Ahmm..! oh, yeah mate never bothered, we are life. But without this knowledge, without this key coordinate how the hell can we understand what’s happening in our part in it. Coordinate No. 1, We are consciousness; we are not the body we think we are. Only when we know who we are, can we know freedom because unless we know the nature of reality who we are and our part in it, how can we understand the world if we don’t understand the reality that this is the world (no wonder to me why we are bloody confused?). What is reality? How about that question? Oh! no that’s just for scientists, it’s not for you, you just watch the cricket. Now this is what I came across few days back, Nazi Propaganda Minister, Goebbels

‘It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.’

- Nazi Propaganda Minister, Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels.

And the truth, that is most suppressed, the biggest lie of all of them (the greatest cover up of all…) and on which all the others are based is that “It’s… all an Illusion”.

This physical world is not physical, it’s not even out there it’s in here. It’s all a holographic projection, it’s an illusion of physicality, an illusion of solidity, and we are consciousness. And it’s so easy to trick the mind, the brain to see reality in ways that it’s not actually what it’s looking at. And here are some amazing images that I found. There is this guy Justin who draws pictures on the flat pavements and yet mind reads them and the brain reads them as 3-D.

And there is another one, we can look at it as seven compartments or we can see it as a box.

These coloreds are both the same but because of their interaction and placement with the other colors they look totally different because the brain reads them differently.

We are decoding reality and how we decode it, decides the reality we experience.

As what Einstein said,
‘Reality is an Illusion.. Albeit a persistent one’


We think that we are physical bodies and that’s who we are “I am Deepak Dogra, I am Charlie Smith, and I am an Engineer or a Taxi Driver or a Doctor or whatever” and we think this is what we are. No no no…! that is what we are experiencing, they are not who we are. There are various multi levels to this. This is just only one that allows us to experience this physical world reality. If I wanna pick the cigarette pack lying on my table, my consciousness could not pick that up because it is vibrating too quickly, it’s not in sync with the frequency range of the pack, so i couldn’t do it. I take on this outer shell, the body that operates within the frequency range that I wanna experience, now I can interact with it. Simple.. As that! But the body is not who we are.

Its interesting, these energy fields, we call them the aura or whatever, you have the energy coming down through the top of the head out and going in the other way and it’s like electrical burst of energy going through the body which throws out these electromagnetic fields, what we call the aura. And interestingly when you do the same with the electric wire, you put a current through the wire, it throws out the electromagnetic field and in the same way that this happens to us, and so it happens to the earth because everything is just the reflection of everything else and works in basically the same way.

And this combination of the genetics of the body and the electromagnetic field, i call it body consciousness and we have a choice of connecting that body consciousness level of our experience to the great infinite all that it is in which case we will have excess to the massively expanded level of awareness and perception and be able to see through what we can’t see when we stuck in the body reality. But if we get stuck in the eggshell, this body consciousness and if we get isolated in the eggshell then our level of reality, perception or what we can perceive and expand our minds to understand is massively suppressed.

This is the situation that we face in this world, people who are infinite consciousness operating on a level of body consciousness level and that’s exactly where the manipulators want us because if we are not connecting out there and getting our insight, our inspiration, our intuitive knowing from out there and then where do we look to get fixed on who we are and what’s happening in the world; we look that way through the ears and the eyes and who is controlling that information that is controlled by the media, education, etc...Gotcha...!

And Body I will call it genetic space suit and it’s funny you know, if you are on moon with someone and an astronaut started thinking that he is a space suit. I mean, can you imagine hey, listen we have gotta problem in here, this astronaut thinks he is a space suit” and “what? he is bloody mad! he is not a space suit”. But we think we are a space suit and what would it be in that situation on the moon, there would be chaos.

Well, that’s why this chaos is here because we believe that we are space suits. That’s what makes racism so insane? It’s like saying “I am better than you coz my space suit is different color”. Bloody ridiculous! And the caste system (in our part of the world) India is bloody unbelievable discrimination. But the cutting edge of human knowledge and understanding so why should I, why should I complain?

The energy or the reality that we are experiencing, that we apparently see with our eyes is just a frequency range and it is even so minute what we call visible light. According to the current science, electromagnetic spectrum is 0.005% of the energy that is known to exist in the universe and the visible light which is only frequency that our eyes can decode in to this reality is a fraction of the 0.005%, we are basically visually blind in terms of what exists in the same space what we are experiencing. It’s just a television, a holographic television station that we are experiencing. And what we are at this body level is receiver, transmitters of information and the range of frequencies that we are accessing decides the range and perception and awareness of reality that we experience. So the more you can close down the range of frequencies that we are accessing, the more you close down the perception and the sense of infinity of the people you are targeting. The body is a biological computer, biological in the sense unlike the desktop computer, it has the ability to extend and for think for himself and work things out for himself. That’s what we call evolution on the physical level. The computer is constantly receiving information, vibrational information from its environment and it is reacting to that. It does it all the time if we go to a place where its cold, it will react to that and where its hot, it will react to that. And its same with things like animals that over a period of time their environment changes, that information is being received by the computer and analyzed by the computer and thus making changes and if those environmental changes, habitat changes happens slow enough that is why you see animals body evolved enough to fit the new environment but if it happens really quick we call it extinction because it can’t change fast enough. It’s a computer working and we are receiving vibrational information which we are decoding into this reality. We are interacting with this infinite consciousness but how much we are interacting with it that depends on the range of frequencies we are accessing.

Death is not death at all, its movement of consciousness out of this reality, that’s all! What we call near death experiences, have enormous amounts of common stories of what they experienced when they left the body and when they returned and when their body was revived. Stories that support massively what I am saying about the fact that we are consciousness and the body is just a vehicle. They talk about going through the tunnel into another reality and how limitation disappears and how the emotional intensity disappears because lot of that emotional intensity if not all of it is body consciousness. This is what one near death experience has to say about what he experienced when he left the body,

‘… Everything from the beginning, my birth, my ancestors, my children, my wife, everything comes together simultaneously. I saw everything about me, and about everyone who was around me. I saw everything they were thinking now, what they thought then, what was happening now. There is no time, there is no sequence of events, no such thing as limitation, of distance, of period, of time, of place. I could be anywhere I wanted to be simultaneously.’

That is who we really are and we need to remember it. What do you mean there is no time… that’s stupid! Alright so the manufactured time is on my wrist and if I cross the certain invisible point in the world, I entered in yesterday or tomorrow. Ridiculous! It is basically a decoding illusion time and sequence

To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.

- William Blake

Everything is everything else happening at the same time. It’s a decoding process! If you are watching a movie on DVD, where you are in a movie you think it’s present, the scenes in the movie you have just left or watched are your past and scenes you have not seen yet are your future but all of them still exists in the same moment that you are experiencing what you perceive to be the present. And if you run back, bingo! you are in the past. As H.M. Tomlinson said,

We see things not as they are, but as we are

- H.M. Tomlinson

Because as we decide how we decode reality. And this conspiracy, my play-out is banking scams and political scams, yes it does and we should know that. But this conspiracy is all about manipulating our sense of who we are, so we decode what they want us to experience.

And what that perception is one of division, apartness because that creates the frontline through which they can divide and rule us when we are oneness,

all connected at different points of perception and observation within that whole, therefore expressing glorious diversity but still connected.

And there’s the point and I understand it, when you talking about that oneness, people think that everyone will become clone like I am oneness.. I am also oneness.. also I am oneness..! What is this oneness that I am talking about? It is all possibility that’s what it is. It is everything that has, is or ever will be there to be experienced. So there is no contradiction between being in the point of the awareness of connectedness of everything and at the same time celebrating and expressing your glorious diversity and uniqueness and perception. Indeed the uniqueness of our expressing our lives is honoring if you like the oneness that is all because it is all possibilities. What you get ironically when you disconnect from that oneness is you get a situation where you do get people who are like “ Ahh!! Ahamm! I am not oneness, neither do I” , you do get uniformity because people start operating on a tiny range of frequencies and therefore they start acting and seeing the world same. Everyone thinks the same and everyone is tuning to the same bloody station. That’s why we think when we experience the world understandably it seems like that the way we decode it that the world is out there that something is out there. In fact it’s just a projection; it’s all going on in our minds, in our heads as we decode reality.

As the great American Comedian Bill Hicks (wow! what a man he was, great great guy) said,

‘…all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves.’

And that’s the foundation of the conspiracy manipulating the imagination of ourselves.

Infinite love is the only truth, the existence of the infinite consciousness is the only truth, everything else is illusion, everything else is the imagination of that consciousness made manifest and experienced.